22 September 2008

His faithfulness...

Over the weekend, Selangor#7 went to Bukit Cahaya to celebrate 20 years of existence! we had an overnight camp with an awesome council fire that had an amazing more or less 150 person turn up.now thats a big council fire. and its also our first,using electricity. haha yeap, slideshows,projectors, Speakers,Mics, Spotlights, u name it.

According to ps henry, one of our Menteri said Royal Rangers is the longest lasting, most succesful youth program in our nation. i couldn't agree more. I've been in rangers for about 9 years now, and i've grown a lot in this ministry. I would say that it's made me who i am today.

Selangor 7's 11th anniversary in 1999.that small boy in red is me, receiving my 2nd merit in rangers. the man giving it to me is Pastor Henry, the dude that started rangers in our country. [2 days ago, i received a medal from the same dude, only this time, we were eye leveled. hahaha]

Rangers has this thing called the Four Gold Points, or four ways a person grows,which is physically,mentally,spiritually and socially. Ps mike was just telling us how he grew these four ways. Then it suddenly hit me how i too grew the same ways..looking back at all the photos from 20 years ago in our mini museum at camp, it was truly indescribable. this is a testimony of God's faithfulness to this ministry

My sisters and I, after 9 years. Sarah and Zoe recently left rangers this year. Sarah has been in rangers for 11 years and Zoe, 9 years.

Your love reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness
to the skies.

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