04 July 2009

Take the beauty, take my tears.

Ladies and gents, once again, the big question about…


It has to be more than just the existence in the physical or natural world. What makes us jump for joy, or tear our hearts out till the floor is wet? We can’t merely be single functioned robots that do nothing but play and work. We have a soul, one that is fearfully and wonderfully made, one that belongs to a centre called our hearts and our heart is meant to be transformed into something that will bring glory to God. Truly, the Glory of God is a heart that is fully alive, as John Eldredge wrote in his book, waking the dead.

It really shocks the world how an individual, a life, can be there one second and gone, the next. All the experiences of a person, from young till present, all that he or she has gone through over the years, can disappear in one second.

The truth is, it doesn’t. Life never disappears. We were born into this world for a purpose, we are, in fact, meant to live for so much more. We may not see this, or even more so, believe this but, we impact the lives of people around us in all kinds of ways. We change our world a person at a time.

Since I was 12, I’ve been praying for an electric guitar. I didn’t have much money at that time. The great news is that a stuck situation is just a set up for God to show a miracle. I knew that if it was God’s will, He’ll give me a guitar. Eventually, 2 years later, that prayer, an unusual expectation, turned into a miracle.

There was this dude who I’ve never met. He was a friend’s friend. He found out I wanted a guitar and that I had no money for one. So he just gave me one of his old ones. He GAVE, no cost, no nothing. I hardly knew him, nor did he know me. That is the Christ-likeness he showed. It was truly God’s blessing that enabled me to give God glory through one of the only ways I knew I could.

3 years later, about a month ago, I got a message on my hand phone. Lim Yu Vern, a 17 year old that freely gave up a guitar that would have brought him some extra cash or whatever to someone he’s never met, passed away in a motorcycle accident.

I felt horrible after reading that message. I never bothered to get to know him. I never bothered to try and return the favor and kindness he once showed me. I don’t know how he lived, but one thing is for sure. He impacted my life. He changed the world.

We don’t always know our life’s purpose, but God knows it and He has a great plan for you and me. Even though this dude was only 17 and had so many years ahead of him, I know that he didn’t leave in vain. He changed the world by changing one life and, that’s just only me. I’m sure he was an extreme blessing to his other friends. When it’s time to leave, it simply means that you’ve done your job. You have been part of God’s plan and now it’s time for something greater, the real life in the kingdom of God.

In the same way, I believe that when it is not our time yet, we still have a lot to do.

Just the other day, two friends of mine were involved in a car accident. They were shocked, traumatized. They told me they could have died in that split second but guess what, they’re not. Praise God! Why? Because life begins at the intersection. It’s now their time yet. There are still things to be done here, more lives to impact, a whole world to change! Now is when they can rise up and truly see what God has in store for the rest of their lives. If you two are reading this, get ready for something unusual to happen, get ready for God to move in your life in ways you’ve never dreamed of. This experience is not a car accident, it is a wakeup call, and it is God saying welcome to the real world. Welcome to life J

Our lives are no mistake. What happens to us or to the people around us is no mistake. Everything happens for a reason. There is no such thing as a “bad event” or an accident. It is just a set up, a set up for God to intercede and to show us miracles and things that we would never dream of. Everything is possible through Jesus. Greater is He who is in you than the one who is in the world.


sukmunn said...

you`re so right. very meaningful, thanks sam.

clarice said...

beautifully written.
aptly stated.
thank you.

Unknown said...

I was moved by your words. Thank you for stating it beautifully and so eloquently.
I have pasted some of your notes on Vern on my blog today. I hope you don't mind. If you would like to learn more about him, please do search my blog from June 1 onwards.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

If you only know how your words have stirred the hearts of the people who knew and love Vern...Vern gives and Vern don't tell...that's Vern...that's why he is special.
God has bless you with this special gift of revelation, so skillfully written.. Please continue to write as you are special and gifted too.