MUSIC!!!so these are a few songs that i recommend to u...old or new la...
Rooftops - lost prophets
Evening news - Lo
Sophomore slump,sixteen candles,our lawyers, sugar, champagne - Fall out boy
Black balloon,better days,stay with u,iris - goo goo dolls
Where'd u go(of course) - Fort minor
I write sins,not tragedies - panic at the disco
She says - howie to lynne for recommending this song to me...
No tommorow - Orson
Trees - Marty Casey
Everglow - Mae
U and ur hand,who knew - pink
New world - toby mac
Sweetness - Jimmy Eat world
Football mad nation, journey - pop shuvit
Long for a saviour - Jars of clay
Gone,dare you to move(alternative version is wayy better) - switchfoot
Things i'll never say - Avril Lavigne
Hero[red pill mix] - Superchic[k]
Wake me up when september ends - green day..
The Adventure - Angels & Airways
Drops of jupiter - Train
Classics and news...anyway...
jazz fest rocked even more...sry la kenot describe...all i noe is even the coolest reputation problem fella would have started dancing along with the music...everyone danced...haha...was the best la...
to all who are worthy of calling themselves...frens,do try to make your priority next yesr for i have bad news.... we,have been listening to too much crap international crap music for too long...
I'll show u whats real music...
oklah...i have to go see liverpool trash chelsea now...ciao
peace out...