We started at tmn aman,6.30 in the morn.
See the deng kid? thats the brains of my group.he's darn funny.
Zech's team brainstorming.
i'd say our hardest opponent out of 12 teams was shawnas team. she called nat lim along weih. but i was thinkin, mayb they'd run damn fast and leave everyone behind like tjin's team. tjin's team was sad, everyone look to him oni.never help at all.haha. zech's team had a lot of problems too,even with janielle inside. they had trouble with the small kids. and wee yen's team?chillex oni weih.haha.
Wee yen's team, asking the tudung receptionist for help.
The marshalls at each lrt station.
The champions with a sucky name.[surf's up! wtheck?]
The whole treasure quest covered places like tmn aman[where i broke my arm] ,amcorp mall, kl sentral,times square. we got around by lrt or foot. it was challenging,the questions,the riddles,the history,the general knowledge. overall i think my team did a good job except our time management kinda sucked. thats why we had to run everywhere.haha. but we were the 4th to check in at the finish line. shawna's team checked in last yet got 3rd place meaning,she got alot of questions correct. Renee's team won, Diane's second and tjin's,third last.hahahahahahahaha.
k then we got home in the evening, i had a good dinner with my family in a looooong time. and hurried out of the house with my mom to pick ivan and meiwan up for jazz fest. ivans bro, his lady,sophia, his friend,joanna? and sophia's sis,andrea geh came long too. we got there way before funk mob's gig. So we waited in mcd's and studied untill 11pm.
Isaac was just stating how gayy ivan stands.
Then it was time for FUNK MOB!!! wohooo!! man they were awesome. ivan was just stoned there watching john thomas on drums. he was what we call phoenomenal. meiwan was darn impressed too. fly,the bassist,has improved alot. wan,the guitarist,has developed style so he not so kayu and kelefeh d. The keyboardist was better last year though. julian chew was awesome,although he put on weight and the guest singer,ruin the performance weih.some malay lady lah. kept speaking in tongues.[ahahaha inside joke].k the rest of the story,i'll leave it to the pics to handle it. [yess first time in 5 years i'm getting pics of jazz fest].
Julian Chew looks real loser here.haha.
But he's seriously damn good.[he's the fella that made me wanna learn the sax 5 years ago]
haha so ngam i took,the lights pointed here. nice leh?
Then i was bored during their 5 min break.
Lecka lecka just opened this year here.
Starbucks was still there,but i bo cash.
oh,and the fountains have changed.pretty cool now.
Heineken took carlsberg's place d.
So we got 'em from 7-11 instead.
The real cool security guards..
.. at sunrise plaza.
Let's resume band pics.. [ahhh! i want a dslr!]
this dude is giler fast.
Behold,John Thomas.
He's too fast for my camera.AHAHAHAHA.
This is what happens when u forget to turn off ur macro settings.love the effect though.haha.
The annoying lady.
Mr Fly sure does live up to his name.[ man,the stage is crowded.]
Mr Waaaan is darn cool.
Botakbin was the guest percussionist. he's damn good too.
and us..
K now i know what u ppl mean when u say "sam, u need to do something bout ur hair la."
Meiwan, the dude magnet.
These two are what i call friends k. [shawna is excused cuz she couldn't come]
then everything ended at 1. but we all got home at 3 cuz my mom overslept. overall,jazz fest this year is quite the failure la. not enough publicity.but funk mob was still as good as always. this saturday,Aseana Percussion Unit is playing. but i doubt i'd be going. all those that missed out on that jazzed up day, missed out big time.
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