If he doesn't win, i'm cutting my own hair again.
There is a possibility of him not winning. not because he ain't as good as archuleta[i mean c'mon, he is currently my 2nd favourite rocker just behind jon foreman]but because all the friggin american chicks will send in a dozen votes each for archuleta cuz he's whatever they like about him. sometimes i think america kinda sucks. the usual case is sucky people outnumber the ones who know who deserves the title more.On my personal view, i reaaaallly like Cook cuz of his originality and creativity. his arrangements are top class,being able to turn almost any piece to the way it suits him best.he's an awesome musician. and because he's a rocker, i add another 100 points for him. archuleta has a good voice,and thats it. he ain't someone i'd idolize. take for example, why the heck did he sing With You? stupid decision. an america is even worse to say that it was good performance. whatheheck laaa. and thats why i reaally respect this dude...
He is the only thing that is keeping AI together. randy and paula keep giving good comments to people who suck. simon knows the objective of this show,and thats to find someone outstanding, not someone with a good voice. a million people in this world have good voices laaa.notice at the end of every performance, its only simon's opinion that really counts to the contestants? and plus, simon is darn funny. hahaha. he's definately rooting for Cook.
&Cook and Cowell wins the night.
David Roland Cook for the win.
Apart from all the qualities you stated, the guitar compliments him & that smirk is undeniably knee wobbling.
& a plus for being hot :)
SAM, who told you about DavidCook? hahaha
You and Sarah spell "definately" the same.
It's DEFINITELY. heeheehee...
o gosh. crap. we learn it all from zoe k. she says "no wonder why". hahahaha
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