09 October 2009

Your love is strong.

2.am. i'm still up studying sejarah.

Everytime i study sejarah, i learn an incredible amount. our 5 years of history material taught in school is limited, but there is still so much that is provided for. I learn about the previous mistakes of leaders, the battle between grace and pride, the perseverance of persistant people.

Everytime i study sejarah, i have new thoughts, new opinions. Questions are answered, more questions are asked. i have a new perspective towards humanity and sociology, towards businesses and economics, towards leadership and loyalty, towards the truth and the just.

Everytime i study sejarah, i get down on my knees and ask God to interceed.I ask God for the church of malaysia to wake up and come together as the body of Christ with one purpose and vision which is to know Him and to make Him known. I ask not the conversion to christianity but for the revival of current believers. I ask for the eyes of their hearts to be opened to see the will of God for our nation. I ask for the church of malaysia to push out the four walls of the church from inside, to expand the kingdom of God. I ask for prayer warriors, missionaries, evangelists, prophets, intercessors to be raised. men and women who are after God's own heart.

Our country has too much potential to be left out of the kingdom of God.

1 comment:

clarice said...
